Friday, April 3, 2009

Daily Life Here at USAFA

Hey all,

I know a lot of my family has asked what my daily routine looks like at USAFA. While it obviously varies day-to-day, there are a few common themes I can touch on.

First let me mention when it comes to classes, we have both M-days and T-days that alternate. For example, if Monday is an M-day, Tuesday would be a T-day. I don't realize why the "powers-that-be" gave them the name "M-days" and "T-days" rather than "A-days" or "B-days", because you'd think M-days are on Mondays... which is not always the case.

While there are 7 academic periods in each day, we don't have 7 periods of classes everyday. The periods we aren't scheduled for are free time. For instance, on M-days, I have 4 periods, and T-days I have all 7 periods full.

6:40 am - Start the day. Brush teeth, get into Uniform of the Day, and get materials I need for class. The freshman help get you up by calling "minutes" - them announcing in the hallways the meals for the days, uniform, etc. The freshmen usually start the day earlier, since they have to empty all the trashcans in the squadron, and call "minutes" 30 minutes before breakfast.

7:20 - Mandatory Breakfast in Mitchell Hall

7:50 to 11:43 - The First 4 class periods of the day

11:55 - Here, on Mondays and Fridays, we have Noon Meal Formation (NMF) - we march to lunch. Wednesdays we have a parade that is a more extensive version of NMF. Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have lunch immediately w/o marching... this gives us time for "Cadet Professional Military Education" (CPME) after lunch. CPME is usually briefings on topics relevant to military officers.

1:30 pm to 4:30 - The last 4 class periods of the day, and with intramurals every other day. IMs are played squadron against squadron. In the fall usually do Ultimate Frisbee, and the Spring, Cross Country.

5:30 - Dinner. Dinner is the only optional meal of the day, and served buffet style. Cadets come in at their leisure between 5 and 7 pm. "Touch-and-goes" are popular - take out to your room.

7:10 - 7:40 - This time is referred to Military Call to Quarters (MCQ). This time is blocked off for military related duties, such as attending briefings. If there's nothing going on during this time, I usually use it for homework.

7:40 to 11 - This is Academic Call to Quarters (ACQ), which is time blocked off for homework.

11 - Lights out. This is mandated lights out, but upperclassmen can use "Late Lights", or permission to continue academic work after 11.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Alex!! I'm awful at writing email to family and friends, but at the same time, I don't seem to keep blogs up to date either. I've tried blogging twice, facebook once... I just can't seem to get the habit.

    I will, however, use outlook and RSS to feed your blog home, so it's the next best thing :)

    Be good!

    Scott, Linda, Megan and Andrea

    P.S. Good idea about not using anonymous posting!!
